Wonderful Things From The Law Of Attraction!

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Submitted by: Derek Jowes
For most of us, financial hardship is what first takes us to the Law of attraction. It is our intuition that keeps telling us that we possess something deep inside that somehow defines the financial path that our life follows, and that is how we first stumble upon this theory.
Although it may be hard to accept, no matter what your money situation is, you have manifested it through the Law Of Attraction.
You might find it amusing for anyone to think you would intentionally create a life full of financial struggle, particularly when so many factors like losing a job seem beyond your control. Abundance, however, is just an external manifestation of what’s inside us.
That is also why when many people set out to manipulate the Law of Attraction to bring more money into their lives, they often fail.
Many of us will wonder about the fact that though the law of attraction is said to be an universal law, it doesn’t always work as we want it to. The fact in here is that though we cannot perceive it with our eyes or our normal senses it really is always substantially affecting our lives.
The problem lies in our understanding and manipulation of the Law; you have to accept that it works.
The Law of Attraction has certainly received a lot of press in recent years because of popular movies and books like Secret. However, it’s a law of the universe, and therefore, has been around since literally forever. People have been aware of it for as long as time has existed, and it’s also become the foundation of a lot of belief systems and esoteric teachings.
It’s not some New Age fad, and you shouldn’t give up trying to understand it if you can’t seem to make it work for you. If this happens, it’s simply true that you don’t know what its essence is.
Many people, when they first come upon the Law of Attraction and try to understand it, will actually begin to experience its effects in the reverse — in that they’ll actually experience greater financial hardship, instead of seeing it ease.
This factor actually gives us an important clue about exactly how the Law of Attraction works. By making the decision to manifest abundance and trying to force your attention onto this several times each day with different techniques like affirmations seems to miss the mark.
Basically the law of attraction works with the vibrations you generate. This is the signal which gets received by the universal energies. So there is no point in merely saying your affirmations each day – you have to feel them.
Are you emotionally depressed or feeling hopelessness? Are you feeling a bit desperate about your finances? When you feel that way the vibrations you emit relate to finances, but they revolve around despair. When the universe receives your vibrations it will send similar vibrations back, and those vibrations will result in increased despair and additional financial setbacks.
This is a Catch-22 for many people. What’s a Catch-22? To paraphrase Wikipedia, it’s something you need that you can only have if you DON’T need it. That sounds impossible, doesn’t it? However, it’s not, and a few simple techniques can make you able to master the Law of Attraction so that you can turn your life around financially, for the better.
First, be aware of your feelings and be honest about them. Those emotions you’re feeling are not ‘just’ emotions. They send out powerful vibrations to the universe, and bring back a ‘match’ to those emotions. They can be difficult to control, so it’s not going to be easy to control them in order to get the Law of Attraction to bring you what you want. Instead, you need to work diligently, just as those in ancient times did, and undergo esoteric training, too.
If you know this fact and then you undertake action, you’re going to be heads and shoulders above most people when it comes to using the Law of Attraction to bring more abundance into your life. You can’t pretend or trick the Law of Attraction, because your emotions, not your conscious mind, are in control of these vibrations.
Therefore always be aware of what you are feeling when using affirmations. If you are anxious or worried about your finances while doing them they will not work. Try to find a time when you are feeling good about things – even something unrelated to your finances – just transfer your positive feelings to what you are saying in your affirmations.
Instead, choose a moment when you feel carefree, hopeful, and happy. That’s when the Law of Attraction works best. If you are truly feeling positive and THEN you combine that with the true conscious intent to bring abundance to you, you literally have the universe at your feet. Its power is at your disposal, and has no choice but to bring you what you want, which in this case is financial ease for success.
In short, what’s really working is the Law of Attraction. It’s unchangeable, and you’ll need to learn how to master it, understand how it works, and what it actually is to be able to use it to your advantage, with skill. It’s always working, it’s always around, and you can’t turn it on or off at will. You also can’t simply decide that you are going to use it only when it’s ‘convenient.’
It functions twenty four hours a day in manifesting all the events and experiences that match the frequency of emotions and feelings you put out.
If you want to learn to use Law of Attraction adeptly so that you can draw financial abundance to you, you can’t just put out positive vibrations about money, though. That’s because negative emotions can cancel out positive ones if they’re allowed to come in. Therefore, you’ll need to learn how to keep negative emotions away, too. It’s not impossible to do that, though.
You can focus on being positive by being grateful for what you have already. If you practice being grateful regularly, this is indeed a very powerful way to manifest prosperity and abundance for yourself through the Law of Attraction.
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