10 Tips About Native American Rattles Importance

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10 Tips About Native American Rattles Importance
Craig Chambers
At Indian Pow wows, Native American Rattles are a popular sight. If you are interested in American Indian culture, you will enjoy your experience with rattles too. Native American shakers as they are known, can also be used for southwest home decor.
1 ) Rattles have gained such popularity that they are icons of Native American life. They represent the various different Indigenous tribes. In Native American heritage, rattles are among the most interesting instruments used during ceremonies.
2 ) Different tribes still use rattles today in their culture as they have for generations. They are used in community gatherings. They also play an important role in the spiritual relationship with the creator.
3 ) In history, Native American rattles were an integral part of tribal ceremonies having symbolic meaning to the tribes that used them. The symbols usually include those from the plant, animal and mineral kingdom.
4 ) The shell of a turtle or a dried gourd shaker may represent the animal kingdom. The natural ground paint used to embellish the rattle may represent the mineral kingdom. The rocks inside the rattle can also represent the mineral kingdom part of the rattle. The plant kingdom is many times seen in the type of handle the rattle has.
5 ) It is an interesting fact that not all American Indian tribes used drums historically, but most did use rattles. Some of the American tribes used decorative rattles made with hand carved gourds or turtle shells. Some tribes like the Chumash of southern California used seaweed rattles.
6 ) One type among the American Indian tribes that was the most popular was the rawhide rattle. Each tribe used the different materials from their areas for their own way of making the rawhide rattles. They used varying patterns and symbols in their bead work, colors and designs. When you learn which tribes used which designs, you know with certainty the tribe that made it. They were handcrafted works of art.
7 ) One thing that seemed to be a common thread between the tribes was that they used rattles along with dancing. They also used them for medicine and spirituality.
8 ) Native made rattles use a lot of materials found in nature such as leather, rawhide, beads and feathers. Other choices include antlers bones and shells as well as fur, leather seeds and rocks. Each of these are what the artist uses to create a personal and unique Indian rattle.
9 ) Equally important is the material that is placed in the rattle. Many times corn, beans or manzanita seeds or trade beads are placed inside. One tradition that is very interesting is the custom of using small smooth stones found near the opening of an ant hill.
10 ) Music and songs along with family stories have always played an important part of Native American teaching. Sharing generations old legends and early teachings through ceremonial rituals preserves traditional beliefs.
There is something almost magical about owning one and now days it is easier than ever to buy Native American rattles online. Display a rattle on the wall or on a shelf or table for rustic southwest decor. Or, use an Indian rattle in your local drumming group.
Enjoy the original Indian art on authentic Native rattles. You will no doubt be drawn to the colorful culture and sound of Native American rattles.
Craig Chambers is the director of Mission Del Rey Southwest, offering unique hand crafted
Native American rattles
, drums and Indian artifacts for southwest decor. Learn more on his website and get his popular free ebook.
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10 Tips About Native American Rattles Importance