Chicago The City To Be A Sports Fan}

Submitted by: Alanna Mccarthy
There are many things Chicago is known for, including Oprah, Obama and deep-dish pizza. One thing many do not realize however is that Chicago is considered to be the city possessing the most devout sports fans in the country. In addition to our seven national sport franchises, Chicago sports have been the backdrop to numerous all-star athletes, setting for box office movies and some of the best sports fiction books around. Not only does this windy city have loyal fans, but they have loyal athletes as well. Even with some of the troubles Chicago franchises have faced over the years, Chicago is still considered one of the greatest cities to be a pro-athlete.
With two MBA rivalry teams, two hockey teams, a football team, basketball team and even a soccer team, a single stop is not missed regarding the attraction of sports fanatics to the windy city. Chicago summers get swept up in the daily L traffic when the north side and south side go head to head in baseball. The Cubs vs. White Sox rivalry is arguably the strongest of MBA rivalries, with Boston and New York coming only in second.
In 2010, the city united as the Chicago Blackhawks held the Stanley cup above their heads in NHL victory. The whole city and surrounding suburbs gathered on Michigan Ave. in order to celebrate their citys proud moment in a groundbreaking celebration and parade.
No other city waits so patiently, so loyally, for their sports teams to win a victory. Cubs fans have waited and continue to wait nearly a century for their cubbies to embark on a world series worth remembering. These are characteristics of strong, good-hearted fans that love their sports, love their athletes and love their city. It is no wonder so many top sports novels base their characters out of Chicago, when it is clear there is no city with a larger fan base.
If you are looking for sports fiction novels, the topics are endless. Hundreds of books have set themselves around Michael Jordan and a career that changed the face of basketball as we know it. Other novels including Harper Scotts, How I Helped the Chicago Cubs (Finally!) Win the World Series focuses on the painful losing-streak that has cursed the Cubs franchise for years. The new and quickly rising author Kurt Weichert wrote Sports Fan Chronicles, which he hopes to become one of the top sports novels of 2012 and with a brand new sequel on its way. Sports Fan Chronicles tells the story of two friends who embark on a journey of sports, drinking and what it is like to be in the team ownership business living in Chicago. It is considered a tale among the likes of Entourage and Animal House. Whichever sport you are interested in, whichever story inspires you, Chicago is a sure location to find it all and be the inspiration for the best sports fiction books out there.
Chicago is considered one of the most friendly and welcoming cities, and who is to say it isnt because Chicago sports fans are good-hearted loyal people who are more than happy to drink a beer and watch a Chicago Bears game with you. Chicago is often recognized as the land of crooked politicians, but it seems fit to consider Chicago the land of sports fandom. If you love sports, and you love people, youre probably a Chicagoan, and if youre not, you probably should be.
About the Author: With Chicagos rich atmosphere filled with professional sports teams; it is no wonder Chicago is the inspiration to many fictional storylines including sports fiction novels about Chicago sports. To read an amazing book set around Chicago sports franchise visit
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