Practical Uses Of Robots In Modern Society

By Andrew Kasch
Far too many of us still think about science fiction films whenever we consider the robot. Although these films certainly did entertain us for many years, the fact of the matter is that there are very few humanoid robots that are in existence. Even if there are some of these robots that are available, they are nothing like the ones that we remember out of science fiction shows, such as Buck Rogers or lost in space. What robots are, however, are an electromechanical system that moves according to design in order to complete a task or tasks that could otherwise be done by a human.
The most common type of robot that is used in modern day society is used in an industrial setting. Most of these robots do something that is very specific, such as spot welding or putting a piece of equipment together. The automotive industry is one of the largest users of the modern-day robot. Although these do certainly help in getting the automobiles out onto the road, most people did not welcome them to the line as readily as the company did itself. As a matter of fact, many of these robots put people out of a job because they were able to do the same task that the humans did faster, more accurately and without needing a regular paycheck.
You might also be surprised to find out that one of the modern-day uses of robots is also spray painting. If you have ever spent time painting in an industrial setting, such as painting automobiles you realize that it takes a very special touch to get things even. A robot is able to apply even pressure on a consistent basis and then move the paint in such a way that it will be smooth and even, every time it is done. This has also put some humans out of work over time but it also helps to keep humans out of potentially hazardous areas where paint fumes can be a real problem.
Assembly is also something where modern-day robots are put into practice. This is especially seen on assembly lines where it is necessary to do a repetitive task without stopping. Robots are typically able to be designed to complete these tasks on a regular basis. Not only that, they do so without any repetitive stress injuries, such as is what is seen in humans. They also tend to be much more accurate and as long as they are programmed properly, they can work at these things indefinitely.
Regardless of what we are trying to put together, from an automobile down to a single computer chip, robots can help to make the work more accurate and can churn out more than a human worker. Although there will always be times whenever the human touch is needed, robots are able to take care of many of these task in an industrial setting just as efficiently or perhaps even more efficiently than their human counterparts.
About the Author: Robots can even play poker. To read about these
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