American Sport Favorites}

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American Sport Favorites
Sharon White
Moreover, taking up a sport has also many psychological benefits.
Sports play a very important part in the American lifestyle. The President himself jogs every morning, plays tennis and golf, and is a leading advocate of fitness. The present-day interest in physical education and great enthusiasm for diets, exercising and jogging, dates from the late sixties when Major Kenneth Gordon published his bestseller ‘Aerobics’. Since that time the sporting way of life has been popularized by such cult figures like Jane Fonda, Victoria principal or Sylvester Stallone.The favourite American spots today are baseball, basketball, soccer and football. Jogging has also become very popular recently. The early morning joggers have their jogging shoes, their jogging watches and even their jogging magazines! Jogging has become of the most popular practices for people residing in big cities and metropolitans where daily life is too fast to be fit and healthy. However, even if they practice jogging out of sheer snobbery, it is still good that they make an effort to be in good condition.Unfortunately many Americans prefer watching sports on television. Every year about 150 million people watch basketball matches. Tennis, ice-hockey and skating also attract millions of viewers. The great popularity of these sports itself bears some of the responsibility for turning America into a nation of spectators.However, it is important to remember that only active participation in spots activities may ensure fitness and well-being.
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American Sport Favorites