Breakthrough Technology Fights Melasma With Faster, More Complete Results}

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Breakthrough Technology Fights Melasma With Faster, More Complete Results
Dr. Hector Milla
Melasma is a skin condition in which patches of brown or tan discoloration appear on the forehead, cheeks, lips, nose or forearms as a result of the bodys sudden overproduction of pigment. Sometimes called the “mask of pregnancy,” melasma can afflict anyone, but is most often triggered in womenespecially during the hormonal fluctuations associated with pregnancy, oral contraceptive use or hormone replacement therapy.
A breakthrough finally came when the FDA cleared Fraxel Laser Treatment for melasma after studies showed that the new laser could be highly effective even in cases where traditional therapies had failed.
The San Diego Fraxel Laser Treatment (FLT), is being hailed as the preferred solution for women who suffer from this non-dangerous, but often embarrassing skin condition. In the past, this stubborn skin condition has not responded well to available topical therapies. And, traditional laser and pulsed light techniques are fraught with lackluster results, significant downtime or the risk of adverse complications. But now, doctors are finding the revolutionary San Diego Fraxel Laser Treatment a more compelling treatment option that provides quicker, more complete results.
As Dr. Hector Milla, San Diego plastic surgeon explains, think of your skin as a wall of patterned tile with the Fraxel laser using millions of tiny microscopic laser spots to fractionally remove every other brown tile and repair your skins appearance. With minimal downtime or complications, patients experience significant clearing of melasma after only four or so treatments. No wonder San Diego cosmetic surgery physicians like Dr. Milla are using FLT to give melasma the boot!
Dr. Milla graduated with honors from the School of Medicine at the UNAM in Mexico City. He completed his medical internship at the prestigious Instituto Nacional de Ciencias, Medicas y Nutricion, Salvador Zubiran. Then he completed his general surgery training at Hospital Central Sur de Alta Especialidad in Mexico City, according his development he became resident’s chief in general surgery. Visit:
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Breakthrough Technology Fights Melasma With Faster, More Complete Results}