How To Make A Choice To Live In Faith Not Fear

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By Sydney Dinsmore
Glen and Sydney have to rise early to partake in a phone call that happens each morning. This call is presented by the Vise President of marketing with carbon copy pro. He doesn’t have to do the “Wake up call” each day, but he does because he truly cares about people. Each morning he has a motivating and inspiring message to get people off to a great start for the day.
This morning his message started with a question. Are we living in fear or faith? Is fear what guides people through their days or is it faith? Both emotions are a product of something we can’t really see or feel. Both are emotions based on an event that hasn’t even happened yet. Of course if a person is standing in the face of a threat, a grizzly bear or rattle snake, that fear is real. In that case the options are to fight or run. But having fear of pursuing your dreams and goals for some unknown reason isn’t real. Faith is more about having a belief that something will happen based on events that have come to pass. In this way, faith is more real than fear.
But why then are some people able to wake up each morning and live first in faith rather than fear. To see the glass half full rather than half empty? Perhaps it’s what they’ve learned from their past or maybe they have an ability to make it a choice, the choice to let faith guide them each day rather than allowing fear to take control. What drives your day to day actions? Have you been able to make the choice to have faith guide you or is it fear? The award for letting fear take control is more fear. The award for allowing faith to guide your day is whatever you want, your goals and dreams. Living in faith reaps a life of award; living in fear is not only emotionally draining but puts one on the edge of insanity. Fear causes an obstacle between you and your dreams and goals. But really, fear is just imagination run wild and it isn’t real, it doesn’t exist.
We have a choice to make. We can cast fear out of our minds and decide to persist to achieve what we want based on an emotion that has nothing real behind it. Or we can have faith, based on events that have come to pass and are real. What are your obstacles you need to knock down? Open the doors that you’re afraid to open. Step through and realize that you can persevere to achieve the good you want in your life.
Entrepreneurs have an ability to lead others by their example and push through fear. Today, make a difference in the world and show others that this is just a simple mind shift. Make the decision to push fear out of your life and take control of your future in faith. When you join Carbon Copy Pro, you will learn skills that you can use in your life to help others and you will be able to take control of what you want with a step by step system other entrepreneurs just like you are looking for. You won’t ever have to beg an employer to but you to work for long hours and low pay again. You become your own boss and can finally take control of your life.
About the Author: Sydney and her husband Glen enjoy being in nature, hiking, canoeing, fishing, and camping.They’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit that drove them to find a business they could work from home. However they both had good jobs that held them firmly in their comfort zone.The problem was they didn’t have the freedom they wanted to do what they love and enjoy. Here is more information on the solution they found to give them the freedom they craved.Check us out here
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