Selecting Your Business Insurance In Cromwell, Ct

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byAlma Abell
Running a business without business insurance is “bad business”, for lack of a better term. In fact, no business needs to be run without business insurance, simply because you don’t want to run the risk of losing everything you personally own just because you don’t have insurance. There is an insurance agency who sells business insurance in Cromwell, CT who wants to tell you about some business options available for you.
The running of your business, if you are going to see any success at all, takes a significant amount of time and money. By getting business insurance, you minimize the risk of losing your investments from unexpected events such as a partner’s demise, a natural disaster, a lawsuit or an employee who gets injured. Any or all of these may wipe you out immediately without insurance. Although business insurance is not a requirement, it is a necessary buffer to ensure your assets. You should have liability insurance which will cover your business in the event of losses. However, most states require a business with employees to purchase for its employees, three types of insurances: workers’ compensation insurance, unemployment insurance and state disability insurance.
There are several business insurance options from which to choose such as general liability, which covers the general legal hazards of running a business, product liability, which protects you against injurious harm due to your product, or professional liability if you are providing services. There are also commercial property insurances which cover everything dealing with the loss and damage of company property, and home-based business insurance, which is not to be confused with homeowners’ insurance.
All of these options and other business insurance needs can be handled by Rice, Davis, Daley, & Krenz, Inc. of Middletown, CT. The company offers businesses their expertise in insurance services and will explain the variety of options available to them. They also provide services in personal insurance such as auto insurance or home insurance. They offer life and health insurance options for groups, families and individuals. Find out more about business insurance in Cromwell, CT, offered by RDDK, by visiting them at their location or at their website.