Why Would Anyone Want To Be A Blogger?}

Submitted by: Andre Amsing
We all want to know the technical stuff about how to build a successful blog cash machine.
But its knowing WHY you want or need to do it that will carry you through the leveling off phases where you are wondering what to do next. You need to have a good reason; a gut reason to do what has to be done to get through the learning curve. So here Im going to give you 9 good reasons to build your own money making blog. Take your pick!
First of all, I want you to listen to John Chows video on the .com lifestyle. The video itself is not fantastic. But just hear the message. John Chow was not bogged down by his poor technical capacities. He doesnt have good grammar. There are spelling mistakes. Sometimes his videos are poorly made. He doesnt know anything about coding, web design, and so on but he makes 40K a month.
HE just did it!
He had a reason. He hated traffic jams!
He didnt want to waste his life between the four walls of an office making someone else rich.
So here is Johns video on the dot com lifestyle.
So here are the 9 good reasons to do what it takes to have your own money making blog.
1)Retirement plan
Many seniors are wondering when they will be able to retire with some money in their pockets. Will I be able to keep my job til 65? Will I have to work until 72 years old to get a full pension? I just dont feel like working like a dog anymore. I just cant keep up.
First of all who says you have to work until you are 65 years old? Its not a matter of age but having enough money coming in to retire.
You are maybe older (Im 61 in 2014) but you can make money from the experience you have acquired. Learn how to write a book to publish on Amazon, a video training series or email courses. There are people who are smart enough to invest a bit of money and gain years of learning time by using other peoples know-how.
There are thousands of bloggers who have multiple streams of income coming in. They do niche marketing and offer through affiliate programs like that of Amazon, Commission Junction, Click Bank products that specific groups of people are interested in.
They make a good living and only work 10 to 15 hours a week.
Need to get to know these people, right?
Even if you are 5 years away from your goal, you start working towards it now because you can get your time investment back very quickly.
2)A womans dream (you deserve it dont you?)
Most women have a financial disadvantage in the working world. They just dont make as much as the men for the same job. Well this is not at all true of the Internet blogging world.
Bloggers freely share their insights and knowledge and there isnt a competitive spirit. This seems to be closer to the womans way of doing things.
Imagine being able to be a stay-at-home-mom, not losing a single moment of those precious moments with the children (and your lover too). But also being able to share something that you are passionate about: book reviews, container gardening, patchwork, couponing.
Imagine bringing in 2 to 3,000$ a month all the while investing only 10-15 hours a week of your time, would it be worth learning how?
Of course it would!
3) Upgrade your personal market value
You develop your professional competence by having a blog. And you stay in contact with the working world even if for a time you are unemployed or underemployed.
What can you learn by blogging?
How to manage and promote a Website
How to market a book or product
Better your writing skills. According to Readers Digest your mastery of vocabulary is one of the decisive factors in getting high paying jobs.
Learning to get out of your comfort zone
Develop a network of positive, active contacts that can coach you to success.
Learn how to set a goal and achieve it.
Do you think a boss would fire a person like you? He would be crazy not to keep (or hire) a positive, idea creating, goal setting person like you.
Hardly anyone will do what it takes to go to the end of a project if they dont know WHY they would sacrifice television time, fooling around time or sports fans time. WHY make the mental effort to learn? The easy way out is to just coast along and make no waves. Why build my own money making blog?
4)Feeling fulfilled
You may be handicapped or have a long term sickness. Or you may be in a job situation where you are an engineer working as a janitor to make ends meet. You may be highly educated from another country but not means to express your talents.
Well with a blog you can express your vision and creativity before hundreds of people that visit your forum.
Whatever your handicap, it makes no difference on a blog.
5) You can create your business with very little means (No financial risk)
Hosting your site with Hostgator.com costs 12$ a year. Choosing a domain name on namecheap.com around 12 also. Word Press is free. And an auto responder account like A weber is 19$ a month.
The real investment is the time you need to get yourself trained. But you do that at home from your computer.
But probably if you had to buy a franchise with a 100K to 1000K investment and that you lose it all (by contract) if you dont follow very precisely every single step with at least a 12 hour day time commitment, you would be more driven to succeed.
Eight people out of ten fail in their business in the first five years and often lose their shirt.
You may not make much money for a while until you get through the learning curve. But you cant lose your shirt by blogging.
But if you work at this like a business you can expect business-like revenues in the near future.
If you do what others dont want to do, you will have in 2 years time (the time and money) which others still dont have. It only takes 1 year on internet to become an expert in a given area. An Expert is someone who knows more concerning a subject than 95% of the others.
6) You can become financially independent even in times of crisis
Everyone knows you shouldnt have all your eggs in the same basket.
My father had the Dutch store on the main street of a small town in Ontario. The town hall decided that the sewer system had to be redone and ripped out the whole street. Old people had to go over slippery board walks to get to the store. It was too much effort and they started to look for easier ways to get their groceries. Unexpectedly, the public works company who had probably put in a bid that was too low went under and was not able to finish the work. The situation stayed that way for two years. I dont know how my father survived this event but as a good Dutch immigrant he found the solutions by diversifying his income streams.
What does this have to do with a money making blog?
In times of crisis one product may no longer sell as well. Then you just find out what people are buying and do reviews on it on a new blog site you set up with links to the affiliate partner that sells it. Often 50-75% of the sales price is deposited on your account and they usually pay out the commissions every 15 days like clockwork.
Nothing stops you from having several blogs on different themes that you are passionate about.
Of course what sells very well in times of economic instability is any training in new ways of making money. And with Internet you can get trained by the best of the best marketers.
7) No geographical limitations
One of the best known experts in the survival field in France (where I live) who sells some 10,000 books on Amazon every month lives inMontana.
With a blog you can live where you want. Being tied to a job location is no longer pertinent! That IS real freedom. How much do we do every day that we dont want to do but that we have to do to keep food on the table?
Do you want to spend some time (several months) in the French Alps? What about Marrakesh? Austria, Paris, Cancun?
What about doing some mission or humanitarian work for a time. You can write your articles for your blog from anywhere, cant you? Even on the beach.
What about having the time to visit with people that you love to be with?
We are in the middle of a paradigm shift (a new way of thinking and doing) that most of the world cant even dream about. And you have access to this!
8) Automatic sales and delivery procedures
There are many automatic sales process systems out there.
Did you know that once your sales letter has been written (with very few modifications) it can continue to bring in money for years to come?
Do you know that your FAQs (frequently asked questions) can treat 95% of what your clients are asking?
And the software available allows you to get orders from most countries in the world 24/7. That beats having limited store hours and personnel problems doesn’t it?
9) Your blog is worth money.
If you have a proven cash flow and your company is running on automatic, its worth money! If you master the technical side of a money making blog and your financial statement shows profit, you can sell it for 10 times its average monthly cash flow. Lets say your blog is making 2,000$ average for the last two years, you could negotiate for a value of 20,000$ on flippa.com.
There are people who have more money than time to learn the stuff. For you, its a way to monetize the time you spent to get there.
That said, if you can get to 2,000$ a month, its probably just a matter of getting more traffic to get to 10,000$ per month. How many people using real estate to flip houses can say they are making that much without having to invest or take a risk or loss when the market crashes?
Consider your blog as a web property. If youve done it once you can do it again much faster.
This is like a life insurance for your family. In most physical businesses, if the key person disappears, or a fire destroys it or the market blows out, all is not lost if your business runs automatically.
This is a dream that you can make come true if you get started now!
But lets be clear about this: The distance between ignorance and knowledge is not as great as the distance between knowing what to do and just doing it!
(Chris Guillebeau)
About the Author: Andre Amsing is a former Sales Director selling innovative office supplies Business to Business, and motivational speaker, now partnership coordinator for a NGO and CSR (Corporate Affairs) consultant for international companies. Student of web marketing and creator of videos, he is also an author writing eBooks and articles for his blog. See
Get your ebook ’75 ways to make money with your blog’ here
Email the author at: aravision74@gmail.com
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